To me, a Heartisan is an artist that chooses to use their art as a tool to more deeply connect with themselves through service. Contributing to society with their heart. Adding value to the world and helping our collective growth as humans, being human.
After being blessed with a unique experience, connecting with the indigenous peoples, deep in the Amazon, Ive been blessed with a new awareness. The forest taught me that we all have the potential to be medicine. Medicine that contributes to the healing of our planet, which is us.
Thoughts lead to words, which lead to actions. If we start with loving thoughts, words and actions, we have the potential to bring the medicine of love to each other. Now more than ever it is imperative that we unite, that we each contribute our own unique perspectives to the evolution of our species.
As a storyteller and music maker I intentionally share stories and music that help us grow together through deeper connection and understanding. At our core, we all want the same thing, love, safety, security and happiness. Let's start there, focus our attention and use our gifts for what matters most.
I am very critical when choosing who I invite to collaborate on this meaningful work, the team members I assemble for our productions and creative endeavors are all of like hearts and value integrity, presence and service.
Antonio, Heartisan Films